[Dailydrool] Basset & Raw Diet

via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Mon May 4 12:46:36 PDT 2015

OK,  I found a basset that I   WAS  interested in adopting,  her name is 
bailey and she is with  Michigan  basset hound rescue,  so here is the GLITCH, 
 you have  to agree to raw feed her if you adopt her,  I have talked to 
several people  and although they liked the raw, it can be a lot of work and 
very  expensive.  so this is the third glitch  kind of like three strikes  
your out !, the first basset I found , that I wanted very badly was adopted by  
her foster mom, two weeks after she was adopted I had to write and tell 
them  that they needed to take her off their web page and petfinder if she was 
indeed  adopted   OHHHHHH  we forgot ! the second hound I found, the  rescue 
said they wouldn't adopt out of their surrounding state, even though  a  
drooler who lives across the river from me, had adopted from them, I  believe 
she said twice,  but when i wrote back, pleading, saying we would  even  
drive to Indiana to pick her up, their reply was " SORRY " 
I am not interested in learning something new, like feeding raw.  I  spent 
countless, a gazillion hours, months, cooking and killing and butchering  
meat for my Maggie.   I am done
Saturday was really nice here, so hubby and I decide to go out to  dinner,  
I put on a pair of nice capri pants that I had not worn since  last summer, 
 I am out in the backyard and felt  something bulky  in my pockets, put my 
hand in and pulled out a pair of Maggie's baby socks  .  I lost it, right 
there  I collapsed  in a heap of  tears  in the grass,uncontrollerable crying, 
I  just couldn't  stop,   it will be five  months on the 14th of May and it 
 still hurts  so bad .she continues to send me messages that she is  still 
here.  I just want to hug her
Has anyone used the new flea and tick collar  called  Seresto ?  My vet 
said beings I am walking Annie in the park down by  the river, that I should 
use a preventative,  he said the ticks are going  to be really bad he removed 
a small tick from her ear today,  he said if I  google it, there is some 
negative hype on there, but he has several clients  using it and he has seen no 
negative reactions.  does anyone use these  collars ????
Marlene  Annie and Maggie ATB
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