[Dailydrool] from Marlene

via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Wed May 13 06:33:46 PDT 2015

Oh Jen, keep us posted about Bugsey and if you need help taking care  of 
that little brat next door, just give me a call, bwhahahaha  I actually  had a 
similar  thing happen yesterday to Annie,  The  grandmother  baby sits for 
the little  boy next door,  he is 2  1/2   and I have told her many times 
that I don't trust Annie, so  don't stick your hands thru the fence,  
yesterday I saw   little  one  running towards the fence after Annie and I am 
yelling at grandmother  to stop him,  and what did this  brat do?  He thru a hand  
full of sand in Annie's  face,  I was so P*** off,  Annie was  rubbing her 
face on the ground and whining, so I had to wash her eyes out  with eye wash 
which was a hell of a chore, the grandmother said  ' is she  OK ? "  I said 
 hell no, let me throw sand in your eyes and see  if you're OK.  Dumb 
people !
 Annie had surgery In January to have a huge cyst ( follicle )   taken off 
her back, it was the size of a golf ball, so we had it removed, no  
complications,  but I think the vet needs to go to sewing school, it was a  huge 
incision 13 stitches and at the end of the incision on both ends is a  
gathering of skin, Like oops we have leftover skin, lets just fold it  under,  looks 
like shit !
Marlene  Annie and Maggie ATB
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