[Dailydrool] For Jessica: Things I have learned from my dogs

Valerie via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Thu Nov 19 17:30:33 PST 2015

From Commander Bo:
  1. Some things (especially having to do with health) are just not fixable, but they can be accepted, inspire creative helpful problem-solving solutions which ease discomfort and overcome obstacles, and in no way diminish love or the quality of relationships.
  2. Always be patient, loving, and kind, and little else matters.
  3. keep a sense of humor, and ditch embarrassment. learn humility.
  4. He who is most stubborn probably wins.

From Harley of Hawaii:
  1. There is indeed such a thing as unconditional love.
  2. charlie Brown was right: Happiness is a warm puppy.

We are all with you in spirit, Jessica. Hugs, Val of Hawaii, plus current hounds, Mariah and Mila

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