[Dailydrool] Thanksgiving

Valerie via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Thu Nov 26 19:34:33 PST 2015

Happy Thanksgiving all.

We will be sitting down to a lovely meal in about a half hour. My husband is the cook here and he is very talented, if a little absent-minded. tomorrow night we are flying over to see our son on another island. An in-home dogsitter will be staying with the basset girls. So my job today was housecleaning and laundering sheets and towels, while Bill cooked.

the first Load of laundry was white sheets and towels. I threw in a couple of light shirts and shorts of Bill's. when everything came out of the dryer, it was pink spotted with huge wads of red wax all over everything. I didn't check Bill's pockets and there were red wax construction markers in them. Sigh. And the inside of the dryer was a half inch coated in red wax! (so got a scraper and scrubbies and got to work on the inside of the dryer, quite a task.) whew. the linens look like a loss. Oh well, tomorrow is Black Friday--we needed new linens anyway. finally the dryer is fairly clean but I am running a red quilt through the laundry next just to soak up any extra color. Okay.

Came inside and found a chewed up butter box on my bed. Hmm. What is that sound I hear? urka urka. Mariah counter surfed a half pound of butter from the counter, ate it all of course--and it all came up all over the dog beds, wrappers and all. i'm not sure I'll ever like the smell of butter again, but thank heavens we don't need a trip to the vet's for pancreatitis. the washing machine is now doing dog beds...

and the bottom line is, I am so thankful for both Bill and Mariah (and Mila too). I love them so much, and they make me laugh (or, I will be laughing by tomorrow night I am sure). I am a very lucky woman. aloha to all. val of Hawaii vlbzwick at yahoo.com

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