[Dailydrool] Conversations two

Beverly Szaton via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Wed Oct 21 14:24:27 PDT 2015

Both dogs have a treat. Conley's is a bit bigger.

Doc: *Oboy Oboy this is great! Mine is huge is yours huge?*
Conley: Well I guess. Why what do you mean? It's the same size it always is.
D:* Oh no, mine is huge, much bigger than usual.*
*C:* Uh.. mine is the same... are you SURE yours is bigger than usual?
*D: Oh wait I'm sorry. Maybe ---maybe just this is bigger. Yeah I think
this one is bigger. I'm sorry. How did that happen?*
C: Whoa well if it's bigger it'sMINE. I want it .I'm older you have to give
it to me.
D:* Wait I don't......I don't want to. No why should I?*
C: Because I'm older. I need more food because I am older than you. I'll
die without it. You want me to die?
D: (Upset) *Oh no no no not at all here, here have mine!!*

*​*(Conley gets up and goes over to where Doc was, who has now walked over
and eaten Conley's treat. All that is left where Doc's treat was is crumbs.
Doc exits very quickly.)

Conley: *HEY!!! come back here you cheat!!!!!*

MomPerson to Conley (who is sometimes not as clever as he thinks) and
Determined Doc*​*

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