[Dailydrool] Anals ! REALLY ????????

via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Sat Oct 24 08:55:53 PDT 2015

LOL, my vet is not referring to Hannah " GROWING into her anals  "   he was 
referring to the fact that as she gets older she just  turned 7 months, she 
will have more control .  you are right Vicki, she  does this when she gets 
excited, like playing with other dogs at dog training  class or when she is 
at home and she is playing hard around the house and  running, she gets 
super excited !!!!!!! Just to be on the safe side, I figured I  would get 
another opinion , so I contacted a vet that I took Maggie to and was  told to 
wait a few months, she still is only 7 months, she should gain more  control as 
she starts to mature, if not, " THEN "  consider having them  taken out.  
she does get a teaspoon of pumpkin every day on her food, I  once had a 
miniature Dachshund that we had to have her anals taken out, but this  is my 
first with a Basset. I have to say that Hannah is my fourth Basset and  OMG  she 
is so different than any other Basset I have owned,  she is  literally a 
SLOB !  she has huge ears that she walks on and they drag on  the ground, she 
also  has huge flews that are constantly  wet and  every time she touches me 
she leaves copious amounts   of slobber, she  also leaves loads of slobber 
on my end tables and my kitchen chairs and all my  windows and front door,  
etc,  etc,  she digs huge holes in my  back yard and eats dirt which in turn 
she deposits in her water bowl, and when  she drinks, she is like a saint 
Bernard water goes every where, all over the  floor and the wall, dont take 
me wrong, my Maggie was a drooler, but only when  food was involved, not all 
day long,  Hannah is all Basset, she is  everything I have ever heard other 
droolers talk about and more !  and oh  yes,  she is a hunter, she loves 
chasing rabbits and toads and chipmunks,  she probably would excel at tracking. 
but I am not physically able to do that  with her.
Marlene  Annie and Hannah and sweet Mags  ATB
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