[Dailydrool] Seizures

Diane Surman via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Fri Sep 4 13:45:05 PDT 2015

I currently have a collie that has seizures.  He does not take any medication. He started having them when he was 2 and is now 5. He has a few a year and when we tried him on meds, he was like a zombie.  I did a lot of research on dogs with seizures and read that the higher the protein content in a food, the better it is for a dog with seizures. I also read that Vitamin B can be a big help.  He has been eating Orijen 6 Fish for several months now which is a very expensive food from Canada with  38% protein  in it.  I also give him 1 daily multi vitamin a day that has Vitamin B in it.  After being on this food since Nov. his seizures have decreased. He has not had one in 13 weeks, which is a record for him. You may want to research higher protein food and talk to your vet about that.  Hope this info is helpful.

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