[Dailydrool] Our beautiful Daily Drool quilt! Last days to buy tickets!!!

via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Fri May 27 06:21:15 PDT 2016

Have you seen the pictures of our Daily Drool quilt?!!?  It's  gorgeous!  
Bright, colorful, professionally quilted, big (95x98 queen  size), full of 24 
squares of adorable basset hounds.  
And, maybe even best of all, this huge, beautiful work of  
art/friendship/memory/basset-adoration is made BY DROOLERS!  The names that  have become so 
familiar to us, the people who have become our friends, hand made  this 
They did all this loving work so that we can buy tickets to have a  chance 
to win this once-in-a-lifetime treasure -- AND help needy, homeless  bassets 
find their forever homes.  
You only have a few days left to buy tickets!!!  The incredibly  lucky 
winner will be drawn May 31st at 9 p.m.!!! 
Go to this link to read all about the story of this quilt, and to buy  
chances ($1 each -- 2 extra tickets if you buy 10): 

You remember reading about the story that started this quilt, when  
newly-arrived and charmingly mischevious Mariah the Marauder of Hawaii stole her  
mom's (Val) underwear from her suitcase?  Those purloined panties are now  
the centerpiece of the quilt, and inspired 23 more squares, each handmade by a 
 Drooler, featuring pieced bassets, quilted bassets, basset fabric, basset  
(It's hard for me to write this posting encouraging everyone to buy  
tickets -- because I LOVE THIS QUILT so much that I desperately want it to be  
mine mine mine!  But even more, I want everyone to know of its unique  meaning 
and beauty.  And even even more, I want this quilt raffle to raise  as much 
money as possible for lonely bassets.)  
The winner not only gets the quilt, but he/she (me?!!?) gets to  choose 
which rescue(s) will receive all of the proceeds from the raffle.   It's a 
win-win-win situation.  (Especially if it's me who wins!)  
Buy tickets!  Dream of winning!  Celebrate the clever,  creative, generous 
artists of the Daily Drool!  Save homeless  bassets!  
Beth H. (Duchess ATB and Blueberry ATB) 
_hinchliffe at aol.com_ (mailto:hinchliffe at aol.com)  

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