[Dailydrool] Gracie Reports

Dale Rutz via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Wed Apr 12 09:50:56 PDT 2017

Hi it's Gracie,First off drool to all in need and love to all who have lost a hound, we know we are behind.
We are all doing well at the Rutz house, here is a picture of us if you want to see us:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10208763668025319&set=a.3665439550866.2132204.1121096046&type=3&theater

I have a story to tell.  My mommy has a job at PlayStation which she took about 10 months ago and we hounds HATE this job it's the worst job ever simply awful she comes leaping out of bed in the morning and charges off to work really early and hardly ever works from home.  She says its because the campus is gorgeous and they have a luxurious 10K foot glassed in gym with the latest equipment and personal trainers and massage and trails along the bay for running and biking and oh yeah she does work there too but she wants to LEAVE and go to the place.  Sometimes she works from home I mean she CAN work from home with all 3 of us curled up around her but she PREFERS to work in her office, it's the worst job ever.  And even worse ...... she keeps stuffing a bunch of her stuff in a bag and stuffing the bag in the trunk of the car and leaving us.  For a week at a time.  She goes to some London place and plays with Rolph and Clara and their mommy.  It's horrible a really terrible job, at first we hoped she would get fired or something I mean it's her first new job in 25 years (she is OLD and she worked at Intel for 25 years and retired, who knew she could still hold a job?) but she has been there 10 months and she likes them and they seem to like her and it doesn't look like they are going to fire her ..... did I mention all three of us HATE this job.  There are other problems with this job too ..... she is busy and she doesn't leave the home computer turned on and we haven't been able to post to the drool!  I found it turned on this morning, finally, and so I thought I would let you know what was going on.
In other news I have been peeing appropriately.  It wasn't my fault it was never my fault, I said it wasn't my fault but did she listen .... noooooooo .... because she is clueless ..... even Snoopy told her ..... he sniffed my pee and he said ..... "nope, not right" but did the clueless momPerson listen ...... noooooooo ....... she said "oh it's been raining a lot" and "oh she doesn't like me traveling" and "oh she is getting old"   ....... I got so upset I started chewing up everything in sight and then she said "OMG maybe she has cushings ...... she has a lot of symptoms of cushings ...... drinking tons of water, peeing everyplace, always hungry" ...... the woman is clueless.  She put off taking me to the vet hoping it would get better not wanting me to have cushings..... finally she took me and guess what???  Just guess .... you're not clueless I bet you already guessed ..... I had a RAGING bladder infection.  RAGING  The thousand dollar kind.  Mommy took me in and the first thing the vet did was full senior blood panel and urine and a checkup ($350).  The bladder infection was off the charts so she presecribed 3 weeks of antibiotic and a recheck ($150).  It was better but not gone so then I needed a culture ($230) which came back needing a specialty antibiotic ($160) which I just finished and I haven't peed anyplace but outside in a long long time.  She called me a bad dog more than once for peeing in the hall in the middle of the night but it hurt so bad and I couldn't make it outside it was NOT my fault I was shamed on the drool and everything ...... I am a good girl ...... she is clueless.
LuLu is doing fine, she is a bit stiff and she goes in for laser every other week and it helps.  The teenagers are good and the dadPerson is good and we love you all.  
Love,Gracie .... with Snoopy and LuLu and the clueless family
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