[Dailydrool] First basset

Adrienne Gillespie via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Fri Feb 24 17:19:49 PST 2017

Who: Clara Rose

What: She was 2

When: 1996..I was 32.

Where: Portland, Oregon

Why: I moved to Portland, OR in August 1994 and shared a house with 
friends. The week before I moved in, they got a basset hound puppy,and 
named her Clara Rose. Well, Clara and I hit it off. I walked her, talked 
to her and really loved her. I bought a house in 1996 and moved out, 
leaving Clara behind with her real family. But a week later, they called 
me and said she really missed me. They wanted to know if I wanted to 
take her to my home. I cried over the phone and picked her up the next 
day. We had 14 years together...2 in her first home, twelve in mine.  My 
neighbor across the street had a Scottie named Chad, who loved Clara. He 
often wouldn't come when my neighbor called "Chad, come!", but, if my 
neighbor called "Chad, Clara!" he came running. Every time. She was just 
that kind of girl. She went to the Bridge in May 2008.

Adrienne Gillespie
clara at spiritone.com
Currently Reading: Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth

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