[Dailydrool] Thank you for my dad's 95th birthday cards!

Elizabeth Hinchliffe hinchliffe at aol.com
Tue Nov 14 05:36:03 PST 2017

Thank you, my wonderful Daily Drool family!  

You helped give my wonderful dad a truly special 95th birthday.  He was feeling forgotten and lonely, and then your cards started coming!  They put such genuine happiness on his face as he opened each one: smiling at adorable bassets, laughing at funny stories, being moved by prayers and expressions of love.  His whole attitude changed as he looked forward to the mailman every day, to see what "basset friends" he'd hear from!  I set up all the cards on a big table and they're still up, bringing him pleasure and the precious sense that he still matters.  

My only regret is that my wonderful friends who sent them didn't include email addresses, so I could write to you all individually to thank you for your caring kindness in making this birthday so special!  Thank you all, every one of you and your glorious fur babies are in our hearts.  

Beth H. (Duchess ATB) 

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