[Dailydrool] Millie

via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Tue Sep 19 18:41:51 PDT 2017

Well today I finally broke down and took Millie in for grooming.  For  
weeks now I have been pulling tufts of hair from Millie, not just a few, but  
tons of  them all over the neighborhood.  The colors of our rugs were  just 
about changed from all the  fur covering them.  When I  picked her up, it was 
almost like getting a different dog.  Smooth, silky  and no tufts of fur 
sticking out.  It has convinced me that I should do  this twice a year, rather 
than just once.  That will save a lot of wear and  tear on the vac.
On another note, this weekend at the GABR waddle I touted my praises about  
Millie and what a good girl she had been; never having any accidents in the 
 house or doing anything naughty at all.  This morning Millie got me up by  
pacing the room  and panting.  I took her out and before she got to  the 
front of the house where she does her business she pooped.  It was  mostly 
normal, except for the end which was pretty mushy.  She did take her  pills, 
but would not eat her breakfast, no  matter what I  did to  it.  I gave her a 
treat and Kathy and I went out to shop  for  groceries.  When we got home, 
she  then ate some dry kibble that I had  left in the bowl.  Shortly 
thereafter, my wife found a pile of mushy poop  on our antique Kermen rug.  She  
must have done it shortly after we  left as  it had turned color from being 
there.  Such is the  irony.  Of all the places to  do  it, it had to be on the 
living  room rug.  I do not know what was the matter.  She seems to be 
better  now.

Douglas Dropp  & Millie with
Pw.'s Charlie & Bennett(ATB)  

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