[Dailydrool] Eugene

Dale dalerutz at sbcglobal.net
Mon May 13 21:19:26 PDT 2019

Hi it’s dale

I trust my vet.  Right after Snoopy turned 13 he had a tooth abscess, his face swelled up over night and off to the vet we went and she put him in antibiotics and scheduled him to have it out.  She took out the one across from it too, didn’t like the way it looked and didn’t want to have to do this again

Snoopy had to go under again in January to deal with an eye which had succumbed to glaucoma and had painful high pressure. Once again. No choice. 

Snoopy is partially paralyzed  in one back leg.  And the other one doesn’t work so hot either so after he has anesthesia he can’t walk for a while. Basically goes down in the back till the drugs wear off.  Then he is fine.  Or at least so far he has been

I’d trust your vet, or else get a new vet you do trust.  And if they say he needs it do it, you don’t want him to have a tooth abscess or anything. And gum disease affects their heart

Good luck
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