[Dailydrool] Hello from Hattie

Sally King sallyemking at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Oct 7 02:08:56 PDT 2019

Well hello everyhound.
I have been at this house for a whole week now and it's going OK except for two things. Firstly, She won't let me sleep with her on her bed, which is totally unacceptable. Secondly, She won't let me chase/frighten/eat the bird who lives here in a cage - I mean, come on!
We saw the vet on Saturday and he confirmed that I am perfect. He also said he thought it was unlikely that I am pregnant. She looked fairly relieved, as she told him I'd been living with an intact male when I last came into season. Trust me, there was nothing intact about that whipper snapper - all mouth and energy, with nothing between the ears.
We have been on several walks. I really like walks, and I have been helping with the garden remodelling by digging holes in the newly tilled soil and eating the manure they are digging in. We also went to a market where a woman ran up to me and kissed me on the head.   My woman was rather taken aback as she didn't ask, but I am used to adoration. In fact the woman did it twice more as we were walking around - that's how fabulous I am. My woman was irritated and said if I had been someone called Rolph the stranger would have lost her face. She said to the woman in a slightly sarky voice "you really like the dog, don't you?" and saw the lady was crying as she nodded.
I have also been on several basset playdates with Dennis and Jeffery, who live close by in a funny house with a huge garden. We have fun chasing squirrels and holding bark-offs.
That's all for now
Hattie, with Sally in the UK

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