[Dailydrool] Gabby's s biting

Sue Autry sautry at cfl.rr.com
Sat Jul 31 13:23:38 PDT 2021

With a suggestion from a dog trainer over the telephone, I am now using a leash as a slip collar. It has made a tremendous difference. She seems to need to know that I am in control of her walks. She is no longer trying to bite my ankles and shoes while we're walking.
 I give her short play periods where she does not get overly excited, keeping the slip collar leash on her so that I can hold her apart ftom me if she starts the biting aggression which has not happened since I started using this 
 The trainers other suggestion was not to carry her from the house outside and then back inside but to let her Walk past the senior dogs that are in the house, as long as they are not agitated.
 Gabby and Phoebe can play out in the yard together, although Phoebe lab does not have too much tolerance with her puppy biting and is teaching her appropriate behavior by snarling when she plays rough

Such simple things implemented have made such a big difference. I've never used this lip color with any of the other puppies I've had through the years, but this is working so much better for Gabby. She and I are bonding and having more fun together, I took her for a car ride to visit some friends yesterday and she loved it. Just wanted you all to know that all is well with the triplets plus one.

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