[Secretpawtner] Thanks to Our Secret Pawtner

Odineks odenix at swcp.com
Sun Aug 24 19:22:02 PDT 2008

We have received two packages from our secret pawtners, Marilyn, Qw.  
Olive, Chunky & Maggiebeagle. The first was a bag of peanut butter  
carob chip biscotti for the girls which they immediately had to  
sample. Then on Friday a box arrived with a pound of Qw. Olive's  
special yummy white chocolate pecan fudge (sorry girls this one was  
for us), a big stuffed basset that I hadn't seen before but Pumpkin  
thought it should find a home in her toy box but is now safely  
sitting on my printer and a bag of OMH Bitz that the girls thought  
were very tasty too. Their treat collection was getting a little low.

Thanks again to Marilyn (who informed me that there is another  
package on its way), Qw. Olive, Chunky & Maggiebeagle for our gifts.

Thanks to Mom Donna :o) for making another Secret Pawtner exchange  

	- Judy, R.T., Pumpkin, Marigold & Abby

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