[Secretpawtner] Clue #3 for our Secret Pawtner

bassethounds at cox.net bassethounds at cox.net
Thu Aug 4 14:36:54 PDT 2011

Good Afternoon Secret Pawtner, 

Here is today's clue and a recap of prior clues:

Clue #1: We do not have the same number of hounds, but we do have the same 
number of wannabe's 
Clue#2: This is not your first time at the rodeo, so to speak, as you have 
participated in Secret Pawnter before! 
Yesterday's bonus clue was that we have seen you post already! 

Clue #3: We have also seen you guess by now - just not very well because we are still a mystery to you :)

And for a bonus clue today, I will tell you that you live west of us! 

Annika, Murphy and Polly in Virginia 


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