[Dailydrool] Rupert - bump on paw

Kay, Nancy K *HS NKK3U at hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu
Sun Aug 10 11:48:49 PDT 2008

I agree with Sandi, Rupert's bump looks like an "interdigital cyst".  We had a lab mix who had one of these between two front toes.  It was a long time ago, but as I remember, she was on antibiotics for a long time (a month?) and it finally went away.  It was difficult to keep her from licking it, so we put a baby sock on her foot and wrapped the sock to her leg with vet wrap.  She took it off often, of course, so we went through a lot of baby socks and vet wrap.

We had a friend whose german shepard kept liking his foot raw, so she wrapped his foot in gauze and kept the gauze on with duct tape!  I felt sorry for the dog, but it was better than having a perpetually infected hot spot on his foot.

Whatever works. . .


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