[Dailydrool] Moderation

William Bartlett sebmlebm at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 2 19:23:48 PST 2008

I have no problem with the moderation of obviously nasty posts that are clearly intended to chastise and demean other listers. The moderators said in effect when they opened the list that complaints were the reason. I complained once when I was told that a certain subject had essentially been discussed enough and my post was rejected then saw several more come across in short order saying essentially the same thing. I agree with Richard that all opinions and statements should be allowed as long as they are worded in a manner that does not meet the common conception of "fighting words." 



[Reduce greenhouse gases. Teach a liberal sign language. © 1997 Duff]

--- On Tue, 12/2/08, Richard Schmeltz <richard_schmeltz at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Though I don't necessarily agree that a list like this
> should be moderated, the majority of posters seemed happier
> when it was. That being the case: moderators, please, come
> back!
> I have but one suggestion for the moderators, should they
> decide to return. Remember, please, that part of moderating
> a list is seeing to it that all valid points of view are
> allowed to be heard, without favoritism towards any one
> poster over another. Newbies have important info to share,
> too!


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