[Dailydrool] potty training an older basset

kacy green greenlikethecolor at gmail.com
Sat Jul 5 11:11:39 PDT 2008

We adopted Rupert a little over a month ago (5/21). He was a stray prior so
he is still having issues with the potty training. They estimate him to be
2-3 based on personality/looks but who knows b/c his teeth look like a 5-7
year old.

Anyway we also let him out as often as possible, everytime he wakes up from
a snooze, after being in his crate, etc. He still has accidents though. He
gives us no indication that he needs out. What I've seen is him walk around,
glance at the door, if its closed he'll just pee wherever. We really have to
watch him or otherwise just leave the door open (and just deal with the 100
flies that come inside). He seems to know to go out if the door is open but
if its not he gives no signs. Cowboy scratches at the door when he needs out
and he can hold it if we're out.

Rupert has also pooped in the house a couple times, same thing, only when
the door is closed. I'm in the process of pricing doggy
doors for a sliding glass door....but I'm interested to see what other
suggest about training a non-puppy.

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