[Dailydrool] Zelda's Family

jules56pt at charter.net jules56pt at charter.net
Tue Jul 29 14:13:58 PDT 2008

People who don't know about "The Drool" would think those of us who cry over the loss of a basset we have never met are crazy. Maybe thats rue but basset lovers are some of the most caring people alive to take in the silly wrinkley often smelly, hairy and slobbery creatures called bassets.  They are just like potato chips in that one is never enough.

I was so saddened when I read that Ms Zelda the great mother and teacher of her brood had gone on without them.  I'm sure the houndies miss her and will for many days to come.  

Momperson and Dadperson, we are so sorry for your loss.  She must truely have been a Queen among bassets to manage all those boys.  Hopefully all the boys can comfort each other or at least be patient with the others as the hole in their lives is slowly mended.

Thank you Momperson for sharing your wisdom, practical suggestions and advice with those of us who don't always know how to handle our short saggy friends.  If we could we would give you and Dadperson a hug and share some tears to let you know how much we care.  

Sad and droopy snooters and slurps to Momperson, Dadperson Nigel, Lewis, Mitchell, and Cooper from

Julie and Sunny(who sends crabby aroos), Ninja( who will take  nap in Zelda's honor, and Marley(who would love to "talk" to all the boys and tell them it will be all right; that Mama Zelda is still watching over them, just more quietly now)

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