[Dailydrool] My spezal pwesent fo da Momma!

Karen sparks_red at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 2 04:24:48 PDT 2008

Dis be da Ruby Doo arhooing in to tell ya bout da pwesest I git fo da Momma dis mornin.  I nose I hab to git her sumpin spezal cuz all da udder kidz gits der nails dun yesserday but me.  Me is spezial, I gits to go to da goomer an hab me nails dun, cuz I hab dem bad hippies an herz no wanna hurt me.  Me hates me nails dun.  So at 3 am I be arhooing and arhooing and arhooing.  I made de Momma gits up out of de bed an see what goin on.   Den herz goz out da bick door followed by all da dwoolers. Now dat be a scary site at dat tim in da mornin wit da Momma hair tickin up eber which way and dem wazy dwoolers sweeping wen da cud be gadderin gifts fo Momma.
Herz see me in da yawd an nose sumpin up, dat I be paying wit sumpin.  I nose herz tot I hab a mole.  I famous fo my mole catchin abiwities.  I fool her good.  I sneaky in tru my own door. Dat be da bestes ting da Momma eber put in, can u say fweedom?  Oops sowwy I digwess.  
So herz in da bick yawd twyin to git dem dwoolers in so herz can git sum mo beauty sweep.  Herz go in da wibbing woom an see da Sadie wookin at sumpin in da Ruby Doo spot.  Herz tink itz a buncheez of weaves.  Her weaches down to pic it up an jump a nickzillion milez in da air.  Da pwesent is dwooly and haiwy.  Her tuns on da wight an der is my pwesent to herz.  A wittle, well not so wittle, bwack hairy rat.    Was herz suppwised!  Herz peepers gits big and she gose Oh! Oh! Oh!  Herz was speechwess!  Den her weeb da woom an comes bick wit da pwiers and pics my pwesent up by da tail an troes it inna twash bag an put it inna big can outside.  I can no beweeve it!  Affer all da worky I did to catch dat ting her troes it away!   Ma be next tim I shud no pway wit it so it still be movin wen I gib it to herz? Oh well, wit da field and da cweek out bick I sure I can gits a nudder one wen it wunners it to my yawd.  Onwy dis tim I gits a biggy
 one fo da Momma!   Dat show her dat dis Ruby Doo Rules an gibs da bestes pwesents! Bwaaahahahaha!
Droolz to all da houndies an der swabes,
Ruby Doo -  Exalted Ruler of da Dog House Gang!
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