[Dailydrool] NEED DROOL for EARL!!!!!!

Patty Crawford gusandto at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 5 21:11:46 PDT 2008

I just got a call from Joni Thomas. Her and Gary were rushing Earl to the ER vet.
Gary had found Earl in the back yard having a seizure.He was able to get Earl inside just before Joni got home from a meeting.When she went to check on him he started to have another one.By the time that one was over Earl was pretty out of it and could hardly walk. 
When they got to the ER vet clinic staff rushed Earl right into the back. At last report they were in a room waiting for some kind of news.
So PLEASE send lots of DROOL our little(Big)Early Bird's way.
Gus and Tallulah are in drool over drive.

Patty Crawford

Gus http://www.dogster.com/dogs/742885
Tallulah  http://www.dogster.com/dogs/742936


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