[Dailydrool] Whipworm

KR1204 at aol.com KR1204 at aol.com
Mon May 5 17:28:25 PDT 2008

Ugh, Nasty whip. I have had it with my breeder bassets and with fosters.  
First thing is to  make sure NOBODY EATS OR SNIFFS POOP! My Snuggles ATB  got it 
because we walked her in the local poop alley. My fosters Bonnie and  Bosco 
came loaded with it. My vet dosed them with Panocur and a followup dose in  
about 14 days. You must pick up all the poop promptly until after the final  dose. 
No, you don't have to concrete the yard! Yes, whipworms hang out in the  soil 
but again if you clean up promptly  it lessens the chances. My vet  also had  
me bring in a sample after the first dose of my own bassets poop  to make 
sure they were ok. To save $$$$ she has me grab a small sample from each  of the 
boys and bring it in in one container. One test bill that way. And if one  is 
positive then we treat the  pack which has never happened yet. I would  also 
wipe out the foster crates with bleach water and pour some bleach in when  
washing bedding. Whip can really debilitate a dog if left untreated but it is  not 
the Plague that some internet articles would have you believe. A little  
cleanliness goes a long way. 
Kathy with Spanky, Elwood, Sonny, Crackers and  Lokibuppy

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