[Dailydrool] Pics Wanted of Pw. Gabrielle Lennette

bassetlady at sbcglobal.net bassetlady at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 20 17:26:58 PDT 2008

     Hi all!!   It's been a while since I've posted anything.  This is very
impawant to me.   As many of you know, I attended the Mishgun Waddle along
with my daughter and my bassets- Sebastian, Judith Ann and Pw. Gabrielle
Lennette (Gabby).   On Monday, I took Gabby to the vet and he said that she
had a 4 cm. tumour located at the base of her bladder- it's inoperable.   Dr
 Mike told me that with that size, she only has about 100 days left with me.
  I want to make her as comfortable as possible- I do not want to my girl to
be in pain.
     I misplaced my camera and was unable to take any pics of her or the
others on Sat. and Sunday.  Those who don't know her,  on Sunday, Gabby was
in a wagon resting her head on a pillow- acting very much like a Pwincess.
     I would be forever grateful if any of you have a picture(s), of her at any time this past weekend.  Please send them to me @   bassetlady at sbcglobal.net       I will be forever grateful to you.   Thank you so very much.   Now, I will go and love on her and spoil her as much as I can.     Jane- Foodslave to Sebastian, Judith Ann, Ninja and my most precious Pwincess Gabrielle Lennette  (Gabby)
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