[Dailydrool] (no subject)

donna larue dnnlarue at yahoo.com
Wed May 21 07:23:49 PDT 2008

Hi eberone!!!!  Dixie The Stupendous Heer!  (Does anybody else think that Dixie has a "better than thou" complex!  Dad blame rotten dog!  Hey, she IS rotten...you should smell her....no, I take that back.  You can't smell her...I can't do that to y'all....I like you too much to make you all gag!)  OK....dat's enuff Mom.  Go back to sweep now!  (snore)  Mom claims dat she DOES KNOT snore.  She shuld heer herself.  Sounds like a choo-choo.  (Hi Roland!  Hi Speedy!  Hi Santana!  Whale.....HI EBERBODEE!!!!!)  We shuld find out affer lunch tuday if Mom is a raving lunatic or knot.  De Drs office sed to cawl back tuday....dey can tail us den, maybe, if we kneed to hab Mom shot or knot.  Isn't dat wat dey do to rabid animals?  (HEY!  I'm not rabid.  EEEWWW...sorry.  Sometimes this foaming gets a little....well...bad.  I need a towel now.)  Folkes, I rilly kneed to git aweigh frum her....she is ssssooooooo weerd!  I'm fraid dat it'll rub off on me, too!  Dat wood be bad!  Roland
 mite knot want me eenymore!  Speedy, Santana, whale eberbodee, mite be fraid to count me as dere fwiends!  YIKES!!!  I'd be alone....whale I'd steel hab Mom.....but, wat gud's dat gonna do me?  She's Loony as a bat!!!!  Oh man....I'm doomed....now I'm depwessed!  Tawk lader.   

Dixie The Magnificent(ly Insane)  Doer uv Dastardly Deeds  OEBE
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