[Dailydrool] Fwd: The World According to Norm - Surfin'

BasetSavr5 at aol.com BasetSavr5 at aol.com
Sun Nov 2 11:57:35 PST 2008

Debbie  Winchester
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to
Bob, Casey atb,  Elder Clara, Daisy, Jake and
Brudder Elwood OEBE 
Instigator of Evil Deeds  
Virginia Beach Basset Hounds

Go to _www.brudderelwood.com_ (http://www.brudderelwood.com/)  and order 
Brudder  Elwoods Book, Help the rescue hounds today!  

 From: swittenberg at buckeye-express.com
To: basetsavr5 at aol.com
Sent:  11/2/2008 2:46:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: The World According to  Norm - Surfin'

It's me again - Norm!
Today was a great day!  I won at the dog show so that made Mom  happy.  Even 
Daddie Wayne came and watched me today!  Then Mom and  Momma Debbie took me 
and Opie down to the beach.  They actually have a  Dairy Queen by the ocean but 
it was closed.  But what was open was the  Bikini Hut!  OH BOY!  I didn't know 
that they called little pieces  of string a bikini.  And Speedos!  Now those 
are really what every  guy with Crissmus Balls needs!  So anyway, we went 
a'strollin' the  boardwalk.  Lots of great sniffs and we made a nickzillion new  
friends.  Everybody stopped and gave us belly rubs and pets.  Then  we went out 
on this pier and went shopping at Eddie's.  Opie and I got to  go in the 
store.  The lady said "DOG'S ARE ALLOWED!"  Momma Debbie  said, "we WERE going to 
buy some sweatshirts for our grandkids but..."   Then the lady decided that 
basset hounds weren't really dogs and we could shop  too!  After that, we went 
down on the beach.  Now talk about  Kewl!  That Atlantic Ocean is SOOO BIG!  I 
saw these big ol' ships  out there!  I saw dolphins playing!  We chased some 
seagulls!   I caught a little crab but Mom made me drop it!  But the best part 
was  goin' surfin'!  I tried to use this little basset-size surf board but it  
was too slippery so I went body surfin'!  The first time, the surf  surprised 
me and I spun my "tires" tryin' to get away from it!  But then,  I figured it 
out.  I walked out onto the wet sand and waited until the  next big wave came 
in and then I just floated and surfed on it!  It was  lots of fun!  The water 
was chilly but the sun was warm.  Opie did  it twice but he didn't like it 
after he got a mouthful of salty water.   After I was all wet and completely 
covered in sand, we walked back to the  van.  That last half mile or so was 
tough!  I didn't think we were  going to make it without Opie going flat-basset.  
Tonight we are going back to da Brudder's house to play.  I think  Mom has a 
surprise for da Brudder that he isn't goin' to like much!  Then  in the 
morning we are going to start driving home.  I have to wait until  I get home to 
give you a report about our part-ee last night.  The  censors are still reviewing 
the pictures and I want Mom to put them on her  Kodak Gallery thingie so you 
can all see them.  We PART-EED  HARD-EE!  
Drools to ya!

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