[Dailydrool] Helena - Re: Laffy Taffy

Susan Timmerman stimmerman at embarqmail.com
Mon Sep 15 15:08:01 PDT 2008

<<With a two day notice, we managed to have another rescue bid on the 
bassets on our behalf at the Missouri Auction. they managed to obtain 18 
adults and 10 puppies along with 57 other dogs. They obtained as many 
bassets as they could. These bassets are at the vets right now...... Susan, 
I wish you would have posted. The people there did the best they could. It 
rained for two days, they were in mud and surrounded by unreputable people. 
They were bidding on dogs and taking them in van loads to the vet and 
returning for more dogs.

If we can help Laffy Taffy, we will. You are local, we are 7-15 hours away. 
I was very much invovled with Mustang Sally and would do all in my power to 
save her mother as well. Let us know what we can do.. Judy of 7 Bells knows 
these breeders. Can she help?>>


Judy knows the person that was there for you guys Helena.  Judy uses her Mom 
(Dr. Waller) as our rescue vet sometimes.  I know that Wendy was VERY busy 
there that day.  I could just kick myself for not going myself.  My biggest 
"oops" was assuming that Laffy Taffy was older like Jolly is.  See, all 
those candy named bassets originated from another puppymill.  And, actually, 
we don't call that place a puppymill.  She is a kennel as far as Judy and I 
are concerned as her dogs are very well taken care of and VERY social.  That 
lady ended up selling her bassets to the folks who had her and auctioned 
them off.  Anyway, my point is that I assumed that all those candy named 
bassets were about the same age.  I was wrong.  I know Wendy got you guys a 
Coconut BonBon.  As it turns out that is Jolly's sister!!!!  The other candy 
named ones are all younger.  Laffy Taffy is only 4.  Judy and I are working 
on this.  I am going to call the lady that had the auction either this 
evening or first thing tomorrow and offer her money for Laffy Taffy if she 
will get her back for me.  I will let you all know what happens.

Mom to Gertie, Jolly and Mustang Sally (ATB) and hopefully soon to be
Mom to Laffy Taffy

Please visit us at Chappy's Place

7 Bells Sanctuary - Senior Pet Rescue

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