[Dailydrool] Winston Our Foster

Linda Dianis ldianis at comcast.net
Thu Apr 2 20:16:36 PDT 2009

Our new foster Winston is having Big Advenchurs. He is already  
galloping about after only a week of his glucosamine and exercises and  
antibiotic for his Lyme. It is joyous to see him feeling better, so  
much more energy.
Today he discovered Bear Poop in the back corner of our yard and of  
course honored it by throwing his considerable bulk down to roll about  
in it---with impressive agility, I got him out of it pretty quick, but  
you could see his grin on his flappy jowls. Eeeeeuuk.   Way to go,  
WInston, you are feeling Pretty Smug  now!
Can you even IMAGINE how Otis and Nelly sniffed him all over when we  
were back inside?
Ah, spring has sprung here for sure.
Note to self: keep Otis and Nelly from the back of the yard until we  
do another, more thorough multi-species poop pickeruppingness.

Linda, with Otis and Nell (we were snoozing on the deck!) and Winston  
Churchill, harumph.

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