[Dailydrool] Elder Clara Woofin In

basetsavr5 at aol.com basetsavr5 at aol.com
Mon Apr 27 18:26:23 PDT 2009

Elder Clara here. My hebbinz, it hot outside. An yes I git me bath, me big mouf varmit brudder Elwood tells all the peeps. So I inside, keepin cool, readin the droolz, and is be nice to read good news. Charlie home, got the rumpbone fixed, Mango home, Burfdeys, Gotcha deys, yup good news in da Elder Clara world.
Den I read bout Miss Wendie an she hab yard sale to help da senior houndies.
Why dis wonnerful, she raise money fur da senior houndies. Elder Clara clappin her pawz, beatin da Brudder on da headbone, givin the hi paw to dis wonderful news.
We all know dat mergenciez happen and sometimes da bills kin be big, so we are just real heppy that Miss Wendie work so hard to help out all them seniors.
Elder Clara do have liddel issuez wif dis.
I askin Miss Wendie to let Elder Clara know when she gonna do dis again. Why dis perfekt time to ship dem rotten Brudders rite on down and hab da BOGO Brudder Sale. Ebbry penny helps houndies, dat about all dem two worf.
Now a speakin bout a good buy, go on ober to Houndsbay an lookie at Val Brewerz new creation. Elder Clara lookin goooood in dat! Put your bid rite on in dere, Val Brewer wonnerful lady, she ebbin make Elder Clara look young, skinny, beautimous. So hop on ober to houndsbay, git a lookie, dere many of us houndies on dere, Bid HIGH, help da rescues!!

Elder Clara still askin the peeps to go help House of Puddles. Give up da biskees, donate money, take the Elder Clara Challenge,Hop needs us to help.

Otay Elder Clara done for tonite.
Drool to all in need.

Debbie Winchester
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to
Ol' Bob, Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake
OEBE Elder Clara, Queen of Farts
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds
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