[Dailydrool] Dublin got a new home and puppy miller placing ads on kijji in the usa

Carolyn Mitchell carolynmitchell at ns.sympatico.ca
Wed Feb 11 06:41:40 PST 2009

( http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2226/51/99/1299336610/n1299336610_30116477_4166.jpg  )

Hey guys,

Please take a good look at the above link its an ad on kijji for a puppy for sale. and the phone # please take note. 
These people are the worst puppy millers I am sure in Nova Scotia History. 
They are to be sentenced on charges they were found guilty on March 26, 2009, 
They are facing charges Feb. 15, 2009 for selling sick and dyeing puppies with Parvo to unsuspecting buyers. 
They are now desperate and placing ads in the USA and having these dogs with altered up vet records, 
I am sure charges will be filed soon on doctoring vet bills. They are saying puppies are needled deformed and come from a loving home. 
They live in a Pravo infested shed which was proven and now the SPCA is trying to get a permanent ban on them ever owning dogs

Just thought I pointed that out and any of you guys were on kijj and saw an ad with that phone #   on it you know who it is

On a happier note Dublin the basset hound who was in our shelter has found a forever home. 
I asked the shelter to send them to the Drool so that we could keep an eye on that little sweetheart

Healing drool to all those in need

Mom to Rex aka LiL Foot
LiL Miss Daisy halo

Max A Million (ATB)
Sir Opa (ATB)
Princess Jodie (ATB)
Hopper & Henry (bunnys) (ATB)
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