[Dailydrool] Loose stools and gas

Rosemary Ryan r2 at seanet.com
Sun Jan 4 12:50:36 PST 2009

If you have ruled out parasites that could be causing the trouble, e.g.
giardia or coccidia, then acidophilus in live yoghurt cultures could be
helpful. It may not, however, be sufficiently potent to do the job.  I have
a dog who was born with an immunodeficiency that allows the overgrowth of
bad bacteria in his gut. I feed him a live acidophilus capsule (found in the
refrigerator in the organic food section of the grocery store or at a health
food store) with every meal. The brand I use is Nature's Way Primadophilus
Original and it works like a charm. The cost is $35 for 180 capsules. If you
go this route, be sure to use a live, refrigerated version and not the type
stored on the shelf which is far less potent.

Rosemary Ryan
HeavenScent Bassets

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