[Dailydrool] Dailydrool Digest, Vol 66, Issue 10

Kelly Cressio-Moeller kellycm at pacbell.net
Fri Jul 10 15:21:24 PDT 2009

Atopica thank yous!

Thank you to Pam and Phil and others who have responded off the board.  
My sincere thank for sharing your experiences and outcomes. I value  
you all the feedback in making this important decision. I think we're  
at the point where we have to try it. I realize each dog is  
different , even in the basset world, and we'll only know if efficacy  
for Stella when we give it a go. We're taking her in on Monday for a  
blood work-up and get her started when we get the green light.  I'd  
love to know what the underlying cause is - most likely dust mites,  
grasses, etc but the idea of putting her through all those tests and  
then shots with an uncertain success rates just kills me.  This board  
is such a valuable resource and I can't thank you enough for the  
feedback. If there's anything else anyone would like to add, please  
give a shout.

Sincere thanks,
Kelly & Stella

On Jul 10, 2009, at 11:03 AM, dailydrool-request at dailydrool.org wrote:

> Send Dailydrool mailing list submissions to
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> An internet mail list designed to
> entertain and inform basset hounds
> and their people.
> ------------------------------------------
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> http://www.dailydrool.com
> ***2010 Daily Drool Calendar***
> http://www.cecilgraphics.com/DD2010/calendar.php
> Fundraising Information:
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> Dictionary of Common Drool Terminology:
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> Vote for basset of the week:
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> Old Daily Drool Archives:
> http://oldarchives.dailydrool.org/dailydrool/
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Wellness (Laura Tancredi)
>   2. Corneal Edema meds -- check Costco too (Susan Randolph)
>   3. Babbs and her surgery (Renee Kummerer)
>   4. Re past abuse (Susan Kitz)
>   5. On the run...again! (Kate)
>   6. imprtant grand marshall stuff (Bob)
>   7. i forgot (Bob)
>   8. Slobberfest/Friendship Bread (mjdgwd at juno.com)
>   9. Dyson (lisa cherry)
>  10. Our Atopica Experience (savethebassets at yahoo.com)
>  11. Evil Annie's toad (Marsdoxy2 at aol.com)
>  12. dog hair (Reed and Becky Pomeroy)
>  13. I am so proud of my furkidz! (Karen)
>  14. dog hair (Tina Zantrofski)
>  15. Re: Atopica experiences? (Phil Guinn)
>  16. Dog memories (Drew McQuade)
>  17. Another part of the story... (toppogigio at yahoo.com)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 18:35:30 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Laura Tancredi <tancgirl1980 at yahoo.com>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] Wellness
> To: dailydrool at dailydrool.org
> Message-ID: <277414.68591.qm at web39602.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> I had Flash on the Duck and Rice Simple Wellness.  He really liked  
> it at first and then got picky, but he does that and I don't think  
> had to do with the food.
> Now I have him on Wellness Core and add a little 95% Turkey Wellness  
> Canned so that he will eat all of his food.
> I get the best deal at www.petfooddirect.com
> Laura
> Flash and
> Ryu (non-basset, Coconut Retreiver Extraordinaire)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 22:16:05 -0400
> From: "Susan Randolph" <msrandolph at verizon.net>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] Corneal Edema meds -- check Costco too
> To: <dailydrool at dailydrool.org>
> Message-ID: <4F609DB247004B469ADE2848B4ACDA79 at Susan>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;
> 	reply-type=original
> My Toby suffers from corneal edema also, though thankfully has has  
> never
> developed the ulcers. His ophthalmologist sent me to Costco for his  
> Muro
> 128, and the cost was less than half of what I paid at Target (plus  
> Costco
> carries the generic equivalent -- same great ointment at much reduced
> price). No prescription is actually required, and the ointment does  
> do a
> better job than the drops of lubricating the eye without any stinging.
> My big boy's vision is sadly declining more rapidly now, but he does  
> not
> appear to be in any discomfort. He hasn't started bumping into any  
> walls,
> but he can't see down stairs at all (he's not allowed to do any but  
> he used
> to try).
> As for Toby, I'm waiting on his latest bloodwork to see how his  
> kidney's are
> functioning... and I'm NOT good at waiting. He's still drinking (and  
> peeing)
> like a madman but back to eating normally, so we're continuing the
> antibiotics until we get the blood results and have some idea  
> whether it's a
> bad infection or stricly speaking chronic kidney failure.
> Sending healing drool to all who need it (Toby seems to have an  
> abundant
> supply with all the drinking he's been doing).
> Drool on,
> Susan (slave to Tobster and Daisy)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 22:39:23 -0400
> From: "Renee Kummerer" <msbbeabear at comcast.net>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] Babbs and her surgery
> To: <dailydrool at dailydrool.org>
> Message-ID: <FB75C3EB4D1947C5B804345C1603DB0A at ReneePC>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Babbs is doing well after her surgery.  She had an epulus removed  
> from her gum.  It was a mass that was growing on top of a bottom  
> tooth.  While she was there they did a teeth cleaning and flushed  
> out her ears since she has been getting bad ear infections.  They  
> are waiting for a culture to come back from her nose.  They think  
> she might have some sort of infection in there that possibly came  
> from her bad ears.  They have made a brace with tape and put her  
> ears on top of her head.  The brace is connected to her collar with  
> tape so it will stay on.  They want to get air into the ears so they  
> dry out.  Has anyone ever had this done?  She is on her third day of  
> having the ears up.  When she walks, the bandaged ears fall in her  
> face and she can't see and walks into things.  I personally hate the  
> thing.  I put her harness on today and rigged up something where the  
> collar is attached to the harness to pull back some on the bandage  
> on her head.  It works great.  I don't use it when I am not here or  
> when she is sleeping.  I think she is miserable in this thing.  I  
> don't know how long they keep it on her.  They want to see when the  
> culture comes  back what kind of antibiotic to put her on.  It's  
> been a nightmare.  I don't think this thing is going to help.  She  
> has a chronic ear that gets infections a lot.  I did try the blue  
> stuff and it didn't work for her.  Not sure why,  it has worked on  
> some of my other dogs.  Can you keep the drool coming for a while.   
> I think I need it as much as she does.  I won't be happy until this  
> thing comes off her head.
> Renee  ( a worried mom)
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 01:13:41 -0400
> From: Susan Kitz <smkitz at hotmail.com>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] Re past abuse
> To: <dailydrool at dailydrool.org>
> Message-ID: <SNT116-W984AF2238EF0DFEBEB342DD270 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
> We don't know if Honey was ever abused or not but she startles  
> easily.  If you drop something  or Den is working with loud tools  
> she will run away and try to hide.  She will even leave her food if  
> startled and she generally eats quickly and with enthusiasim as  
> befitting a basset.  She has adjusted well, there are less fusses  
> with Buttercup.  They will wrestle and play alligator mouth together  
> or with Beau.   She an Beau are good buddies but she will get after  
> him if he hurts her or upsets her in some way.  They love their  
> walks though we don't get out as often with the heat here.  She has  
> long legs for a basset and has a jaunty, pranceing walk as does  
> Beau, Buttercup is low to the ground and is a plodder. Buttercup and  
> I are well matched.  Sue K.  Momperson to Buttercup who was a  
> pwincess from bith and is working on her Queen status, Beau who is  
> somewhat befuddled by the houndettes and Honey who is a cuddler  
> supreme, the kitties who are still glad Honey is not a cat and  
> Mickey the cockateil lover of mirrors.
> _________________________________________________________________
> Windows Live? SkyDrive?: Get 25 GB of free online storage.
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 07:42:48 -0500
> From: Kate <bassetlover99 at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] On the run...again!
> To: dailydrool at dailydrool.org
> Message-ID:
> 	<76fa92430907100542q1bd8d2a9ga76f4ccac29d603 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> And I'm not talking about the Basset 500. Just 3 weeks ago, I had  
> Baxter at
> the vet for these exact same symptoms--urgency and frequency of  
> diarrhea.
> The vet prescribed endosorb and metronidazole. We finished the entire
> prescription. And here we are in the same boat.
> He's eating fine--no food change recently. I put Advantage Multi  
> drops on
> him last week. He's such a tough guy; it's hard to believe he has  
> such a
> sensitive stomach. And Boomer is totally fine!
> Any insight anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.
> -- 
> Peace and drool,
> Kate
> Baxter and Boomer
> Irving, TX
> http://baxterandboomer.shutterfly.com/
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 08:20:38 -0700
> From: Bob <cowbobdog at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] imprtant grand marshall stuff
> To: DAILY DROOL <dailydrool at dailydrool.org>
> Message-ID:
> 	<2c6c14230907100820s971ea64mc16e9c6e9ab44d8d at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> hey eberyone it is only one week till I am a grand marshall and I  
> need to
> make sure to arrive in style with lots of pledges
> so iffen you can help out with even 5.00 that would be way way kewl
> we can take paypal to cowbobdog at gmail.com  we can take a check made  
> out to
> Oregon BAsset HoundRescue
> and we have a way kewl firstgiving page at
> http://www.firstgiving.com/grandmarshallbobthedog
> small rescues really depend on small donations cause there are less  
> big
> donations so please help the west coast hounds of oregon get
> there forever homes
> King Bob the DOg, Jasmine, Lenny & Lexie
> The Life and TImes of Ben G Meyer
> http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/cowbobdog/?action=view&current=9791efac.pbr
> Bobs store  www.KBspecialties.com
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 08:23:49 -0700
> From: Bob <cowbobdog at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] i forgot
> To: DAILY DROOL <dailydrool at dailydrool.org>
> Message-ID:
> 	<2c6c14230907100823n7b1f1e42h132f4c8b027fc70c at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> we still have the faces of drool playing cards and the chick magnuts  
> for
> sale and it isnt that long till secret partner
> and the bonus is since they are all paid for all the moneys would go  
> to
> oregon basset rescue..it dont get any better than that!!!
> email me at cowbobdog at gmail.com for details
> King Bob the DOg, Jasmine, Lenny & Lexie
> The Life and TImes of Ben G Meyer
> http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u91/cowbobdog/?action=view&current=9791efac.pbr
> Bobs store  www.KBspecialties.com
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 15:25:12 GMT
> From: "mjdgwd at juno.com" <mjdgwd at juno.com>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] Slobberfest/Friendship Bread
> To: dailydrool at dailydrool.org
> Message-ID: <20090710.112512.15316.0 at webmail01.vgs.untd.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> We are ready for Slobberfest!  Chunky will be celebrating his 2nd  
> birthday and is bringing cookies for all his friends.  Queen Olive  
> is waiting on the weather report before she makes her final  
> decision.  She has recovered from her oral surgery just fine, but  
> she hates hot and she hates wet.  She may decide to stay home with  
> her daddy and her fan.
> For anyone attending who might be interested in some starter for  
> Amish Friendship Bread - a cinnamon bread that is really pretty good  
> -- I am bringing 4 starter bags that are at Day 4.  One is spoken  
> for, but three are looking for homes.  Any takers?  It can be frozen.
> See you there!
> Marilyn
> ____________________________________________________________
> Criminal Lawyers - Click here.
> http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL2141/fc/BLSrjpTOVoKLSs1LJ4WDoOly9MFZxpqDZ8IGKaPgMRMhvojttmqkLSOO52Y/
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 23:51:40 -0500
> From: lisa cherry <lisacherry66 at hotmail.com>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] Dyson
> To: <dailydrool at dailydrool.org>
> Message-ID: <BLU132-W27D3F8E9BF6CF0B7E8BFDCF270 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I have never had the problem mentioned regarding the dog hair. Mine  
> sends the dog hair in the canister. I have always found customer  
> service extremely helpful. Maybe you have a toy lodged. I had to get  
> a cat toy out yesterday that I had accidentally sucked up. I have  
> been a happy Dyson Animal owner since around 2003 or 2004. I got the  
> animal hand held for Christmas and love it too. I vacuum at least  
> every other day. The animal hair in our house is amazing. Lisa,  
> Wednesday and Boot
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 02:40:40 -0700 (PDT)
> From: savethebassets at yahoo.com
> Subject: [Dailydrool] Our Atopica Experience
> To: dailydrool at dailydrool.org
> Message-ID: <302023.57507.qm at web59205.mail.re1.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> We have a Stella too.? A sweet girl with lots of life experience  
> that was found wondering the streets.? She had a horrible skin  
> infection which obviously had been there a long time and her skin  
> was almost blood red and she had chewed off all the hair on all four  
> legs.
> ?
> We can't go back and undo what our rescues have been through but can  
> only move forward with a plan to make them as well and comfortable  
> as possible.? Stella was put on Atopica as well as Cefalexin and it  
> did take away the chewing/itching.? She was also put on a grain free  
> good diet.? Four rounds later of the Atopica and it is the same  
> situation - she is fine while she is on it, starts the chewing/ 
> itching three days after she is off.
> ?
> The vet I trust the most says it is an excellent tool to use but is  
> extremely expensive (about $200.00 per month of daily usage) and  
> does not cure the underlying problem.? In our Stella's case, she is  
> near the end of her life so it is a matter of keeping her  
> comfortable and happy.? I am still searching for that tool that will  
> keep her comfortable and happy without doing any harm and is cheaper  
> than Atopica.? I am the type of person who would rather solve the  
> underlying?cause than continuously treat the resulting problem.?  
> With our Stella, that does not appear to be the practical situation  
> for her.?She has had no ill side effects from the drug - the  
> capsules are huge so I bury them in some wet food and put it on top  
> of the dry food and she usually just gobbles them up.?? I think we  
> may have to keep her on an every other day dosage - time will tell.
> ?
> Hope this helps and good luck with your Stella!
> ?
> Pam Farris
> Basset Rescue of Florida, Inc.
> www.BassetRescueFlorida.com?
> ?
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 11
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 09:44:37 EDT
> From: Marsdoxy2 at aol.com
> Subject: [Dailydrool] Evil Annie's toad
> To: dailydrool at dailydrool.org
> Message-ID: <caf.499c42a7.37889fc5 at aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Hubby cut the grass out back yesterday and I am sitting on my patio  
> ad I
> see Evil Annie playing with something and running around the yard,  
> so I know
> it  isnt a baby bunny this time, so I call Annie up to the patio,    
> Mommy
> ' drop it  Annie "    " nope "   mommy,  " oh Annie you are such a  
> good girl
> "  cough hack ,
> " give it to mommy "    " nope "  " let mommy see  "   " nope "   
> "ANNIE !
> open your mouth now "   " nope "  mommy  "   mommy will give you a  
> treat
> goochie goo "  " you tell me that all the time  mommy, I know you  
> are lying "
> Mommy  " if I get up out of this chair,  your ass is grass , now  
> give it to
> me "    " nope "
> ' WHACK '   on the headbone give it to me  !  " OK she gives mommy  
> the  (
> TOAD )  still alive !  so we go together and put it in our garden !   
> " Oh
> Thank You  Annie you are such a GOOD girl, then mommy  chokes  
> again !!!  Annie
> jumps the fence in to the garden looking for her toad,  mommy grabs  
> her
> collar and says "  Annie if you get that toad, I am going to rip  
> your head
> off and splatter your brains all over the back yard "   Maggie   
> Wags,  " Annie
> has brains ? "   where dey at moms  ????
> Marlene   mommy to Maggie Wags,  ( my Angel )  and Evil  Annie  ( we  
> are on
> border patrol again looking for more toads ! )
> **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just  
> 2 easy
> steps!
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> JulystepsfooterNO62)
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 12
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 09:47:57 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "Reed and Becky Pomeroy" <rebec at execpc.com>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] dog hair
> To: dailydrool at dailydrool.org
> Message-ID: <38439. at newmail.core.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
> "I honestly give up. If someone is coming over I give it an extra
> good cleaning other
> then that I am determined dog hair in the cups
> and food is normal and that I will
> never see the end of it until
> there are no more dogs and I move to a retirement home
> LMAO one hopes
> that never happens
> Even then their will still be hair on my clothes
> "
> One of these days I am getting myself one of the
> T-shirts that have 3 condiment shakers on the front, labelled
> "salt", "pepper" and "dog hair".
> crazy basset lady
> Please take time
> to visit these websites:
> Rebec Bassets at
> www.rebecbassets.com
> Basset Buddies Rescue, Inc. at www.bbrescue.org
> ------------------------------
> Message: 13
> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 23:27:05 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Karen <sparks_red at att.net>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] I am so proud of my furkidz!
> To: dailydrool at dailydrool.org
> Message-ID: <61536.44045.qm at web83904.mail.sp1.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I just had to write to brag about my furbabies.? I am so proud of  
> them.?
> I had my lumbar epidural (both sides) and in anticipation the kidz  
> were
> blocked off from the living room all day while I was gone.? My? kidz  
> are
> always excited to see me come in the door even if it has been 5  
> minutes with
> wagging tails and yes Nelly Belle and Bazzle jump on gently on me.
> When I got to the gate to let them have run of the house not one of  
> them
> jumped up on me and were so careful not to get under my feet.? Even  
> when
> I got their bowls out of the fridge to feed them!? They have been so  
> careful not
> to jump on the couch while I was asleep though I did wake up a few  
> times to a
> snooter check and a paw on my hand.? Empress Ruby Doo has given out  
> a few
> warning grrrrrs when she felt that they were playing a little too  
> rowdy and all
> listened instead of trying to tempt her to play.
> Momma could not be prouder of her babies.? We are sending droolz to  
> all in need.
> Karen (the proudly beaming MommaSlave) and
> The Dog House Gang? (we be verrry verry gud this day)
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 14
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 06:44:51 -0400
> From: "Tina Zantrofski" <dzantrofski69 at comcast.net>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] dog hair
> To: <dailydrool at dailydrool.org>
> Message-ID: <001101ca014b$74aab540$5e001fc0$@net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Carolyn, I had to laugh at your post about resigning yourself to the  
> fact
> that you will always have dog hair in your food and cups.  The other  
> night I
> cooked dinner for my son's new girlfriend, nothing fancy just  
> spaghetti and
> homemade meatballs in the crockpot. As I was sitting down to the  
> table, what
> do I see but a dog hair sticking out one of the meatballs in the  
> bowl in
> front of me!   I was mortified!  Luckily no one else saw it and I
> nonchalantly added that meatball to my plate before anyone else saw  
> it !  My
> dogs or my kids, I don't know which is driving me crazy faster.. !!   
> Lol..
> Tina
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 15
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 11:12:57 -0500
> From: "Phil Guinn" <guinnirish at cox.net>
> Subject: Re: [Dailydrool] Atopica experiences?
> To: <dailydrool at dailydrool.org>
> Message-ID: <003801ca0179$4a44e4a0$df02cc48 at hotdog>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Jake was having bad allergy problems a couple of years ago.  After  
> trying about everything else on the market prescribed by various  
> vets and before opting for the all out allergy test we tried Atopica  
> with mixed results.
> At first, if there was any improvement, it was hardly noticeable but  
> we were advised to keep it up and let it "build up".  Then his  
> stomach started rejecting it and he couldn't keep it down.  A  vet  
> representative from one of the Carolinas (home office) was making a  
> US circle and saw Jake on her way through NW Arkansas prescribing  
> pills I had to give Jake before administering the Atopica.  This  
> worked but he never felt good while on the regiment and although the  
> Atopica was doing some good I didn't think it was enough to put him  
> through all the pills and sickness that went with it.
> I did some research and put him on Tavist myself and after a couple  
> of years of one in the morning and one at night his allergies are  
> basically cleared up.
> I understand not all have stomach reaction to it and it does wonders  
> for others and it is probably worth a try before doing the allergy  
> test, I just wanted to give you a heads up on some things to look for.
> Phil Guinn, Jake, Maxx & Myrtle
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 16
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 12:37:05 -0400
> From: "Drew McQuade" <dpmcquade at verizon.net>
> Subject: [Dailydrool] Dog memories
> To: "Daily Drool" <dailydrool at dailydrool.org>
> Message-ID: <872394C9B4EE44CBB2FD8E2437107AC7 at BASSETMOM>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;
> 	reply-type=original
> <<Now I know she had abuse issues in the past but I thought dogs live
> "in the moment" and had little if any memory.>>
> I know the behaviorists will tell you this, but I don't believe it.  
> When,
> four years later, our Belvedere met the people who first owned him, he
> ignored them--a classic sign of avoidance. If he only lived in the  
> moment, I
> don't believe he would have done that. I'm sure he remembered them and
> didn't want to see them again.
> Our Alexis never forgot her original people. For a long time after  
> we got
> her, she'd try to go to vans and trucks. I think she wanted to go  
> home. And
> she never thoroughly bonded with us, though I think she got used to  
> being
> spoiled.
> On top of that, Abner has clear memories of the painful things that  
> happened
> following his back surgery.
> Dogs may not think the way we do, but they can have long memories,  
> in my
> experience. I wonder about the dogs those behaviorists have dealt  
> with. Were
> they just dumb? Are bassets the only ones who do this?
> Pam, with Drew, food slave to the thoughtful Dashing Bassets
> ------------------------------
> Message: 17
> Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 10:32:42 -0700 (PDT)
> From: toppogigio at yahoo.com
> Subject: [Dailydrool] Another part of the story...
> To: dailydrool at dailydrool.org
> Message-ID: <299172.72486.qm at web30002.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Not too long ago, a Drooler posted a YouTube video about the  
> Colorado Animal Rescue Express transport.? In the version we saw,  
> there was a Basset named "Pete".? I happened upon the video again  
> yesterday; it was posted on one of my beading networks by one of the  
> kind souls who drives part of the transport route.
> Here's "the rest of the story...." from the lady who posted it to  
> our site, "A Canadian in Kansas":
> ...the video with "Pete" the Bassett Hound in it... I have to tell you
> about that day: By the time I arrived in Salina to pick up the rest of
> the dogs in my run--I was wall to wall crates-- Pete's spot in the van
> was a sliver of floor space right in the back corner due to limited
> space and he was only going the short remainder of the trip to Hays so
> wouldnt? have been too put out for the rest of the ride.
> "King" a giant, emaciated Golden Lab was tethered in the
> passenger seat and quite happy to do so.......thats the best seat in
> the house because that "shot-gun rider" gets patted and talked to all
> the way plus not having to endure the crate.
> No sooner did I get the van into gear when I heard a rumble
> coming from the back corner of the van. I looked in the rear view
> mirror and there was "Pete" up on TOP of all the crates ! He wasnt
> having anything to do with this "back in the corner business". I was  
> on
> the ramp for the I70 and couldnt stop or do anything about Pete - my
> attention went back to driving and merging with the traffic.
> Pete made his way to the front of the van via the top of the
> crates and in no uncertain terms told "King" that HE was riding
> shotgun. Naturally, King took issue with that and they grumbled and
> mumbled to each other. I was ready to pull over onto the shoulder of
> the road if things got out of hand but Pete finally gave up, walked
> back across the crate tops to the middle of the van and sulked for
> about 30 secs. then decided he wanted?a "person" no matter what. Sooo,
> he walked back to the front of the van on my left side and laid his
> head on my shoulder and rode the rest of the trip like that. Soft,
> smooth Petes face laying on my shoulder. I think I cried a few tears
> over that boys special determination and love.
> BUT, there's more. Once I arrived at the transport meeting spot
> and got Pete out to walk him he demanded to visit each and very dog on
> that transport. Some were crying and upset. All are scared and unsure.
> Some handle it better than others...
> I swear ! Pete dragged me to every single dog - whether crated,
> walking, being recrated in the CARE vans.......he pulled me until he
> could get close to that other dog's face and he spoke "Pete" to each
> individual dog. There was no sound. No voice that we could
> hear.......but he spoke and they went quiet and were calm. Pete was
> their ambassador and I do believe that he told each dog that it was
> going to be ok. He reassured them and he would not take "no" for an
> answer. He was Pete. He was absolutely MAGICAL.
> Big sigh ~
> I cried when I read her story about Pete....? I asked her if she  
> knew what had happened after she dropped him off in Hays, and she  
> said that he had a wonderful new forever family waiting for him,  
> ready to take him to his new home.? I don't know if Pete's new  
> family are Droolers, but if? you are, please let us know how Pete is  
> doing.? He's a real "Angel in Disguise".
> L.K. Metzler
> San Marcos, TX   toppogigio at yahoo.com  ?  "A dog wags its tail with  
> its heart." - Martin Buxbaum     "If dogs could talk it would take a  
> lot of the fun out of owning one." -- Andy Rooney
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