[Dailydrool] Henry With Repawt of Tip to Oregon for the Oregon Basset Games

Houndy2 at aol.com Houndy2 at aol.com
Tue Jul 21 21:01:18 PDT 2009

We are back! It waz sure fun! Me,Tallulah, and my best furrend playing  
buddy Stuie all went frum the Basset Rescue of Puget Sound. Stuie n me wanted 
to  eat up the "Bully Stix" frum the Raffle Basket but it turned out that 
Janice  Colvin's Cousin won it so that is good that we minded our manners and 
didn't  hogg the Bully Stix up.
So, we were riding along down South I-5 and the roof..the whole Roof of a  t
railer blew off the careening trailer and we all watched it happen and 
Aunty  Patty dodged the HUGE entire ceiling of a trailer as it bounced along the 
 freeway right in front of us!
We were all Thankful to be alive that's for sure! Anyhow we Waddled at the  
Oregon Basset Rescues Waddle. Waddling with the Mayors dogs too! that was 
fun  because her boy dog is about the most handsome dog in the world and her 
girl dog  is the most oldest cutest little old rescue girl that ever rode in 
a wagon.  Anyhow we waddled and waddled all around the Woodburn Mall and 
then...THEN we  went SHOPPING at the pet store there everything was 50% off! 
Weeee the whole  store was filled with waddle-ee's. Mostly doing "Flat 
Basset" though me 'n this  odder guy we did some dueling Bang Bang Dead Basset 
tricks and got reailly wore  out and reilly reilly had to lie down on the cool 
cement floor a LOT and we sure  loved making the people laugh who were in 
that fun store. We all got lots of  toys. Chickies for Stuies family and 
Tallulah got her Gus a Birfday shirt for  his biG PAWTY coming up soon!!!
Then we went to the BBQ and there was this biGG corral of Basset Hounds and 
 we all barked, howled, played or flopped down while the humans had delish  
dinners of burgers, BBQ shish kabobs and Homemade tasting salads like Mom 
used  to make. Mmmm.
Our fearless leader Bob the doG who was there and got a cool basket of  
stuff with his fambly (I am in LOVE with his Jazzy 'n my Momma went nutsy for  
her too...soooo smooshy a beautiful huggable houndie!Jazzy of stellar beauty 
and  Bassetty charm.
So it was a little embarsein my Mom could'nt take her big paws offa petting 
 that Jazzy girl..but THEN we  took off down the road to Aunty Elke's  and 
Uncle Richard's Basset Bed 'n Breakfast and played and played in their fun  
yard making everybody smile and laugh some more. They have so much fun 
watching  us and sippin Sangria cooling off on the 90* sunny day!
Then the next day the fun really was happnin because there was this MAZE  
thing to navigate (Stuie ALMOST made it to Placing in the ribbons but his 
time  was too slow 'cause he figured out a New and different way to go Around 
and  through one part of the maze (sideways moving the maze then Backwards  
through a long windy tube)  (my Buddy Stuie is talented and  ingenius but his 
plan for getting throgh the maze took a few seconds longer  going his 
creative way through!  Too bad it made him seconds slower but he  was so brave! 
Yay and he got his lemon nilla wafer cookies too!  Stuie saz  how he LOVES 
lemon Nilla wafers! lol  Tallulah didn't go for the Maze but  she sure was the 
most beuteeful mermaid ever! I gotta wear the octopus suit and  Stuie a Sea 
Serpent! 3 Under-the-sea . 
Everybody was a winner costume but the winners for the costume contest were 
 4 Prisioners in black and white Jail suits AND a rolling JAIL with a fine 
old  "Most Wanted" Foster Failure old beautiful Basset who won First Place 
and the  King and Queen of Norway won 2nd and a beautiful Hawaiian Girl! My  
favorite favorite was the Covered Westward Ho wagon!!! lol Alll the costume  
contestants were fab! You shouldda seen the gold fish...lushious bubble eye 
 swishy gold fish! Wonderful! ALL of the costumes were wonderful!
All the costumes were so fun and the games too. Stuie also almost finished  
first in the Synchronized Swimming Contest and I ALMOST got first place in 
the  longest ears contest. We had so much fun!
My earpans getting shorter 'cause of me having my brains arriving at my 2nd 
 Birfday and me bein so much smarter like Stuie and Tallulah now cause we 
all  have our CGC (Canine Good Citizen) AND our k9 Camp LLC Certificate of 
Training  for Clicker Training & Tricks Class so my ears measuredf in shorter! 
(we all took that class from Claudia at "Bow Wow Towne"..anyhow my Mom said 
 maybe my Ears got shorter because my head filled up really big with  
smarts and yes my pointy head got more fuller it probably shortened my  ears.Real 
funny Mom..ha ha ha I forgot to laff. 
We got back to E & R's Baseet Bed & Breakfast and played some more  and 
then they took off and left us back at "E & R's B&B" where it was  kool. They 
went to a Chicken n Dumplings Resturant on the river and brouht us  home a 
chicken dumpling to share! Mmm
Next morning Stuie found a board in the fence and worked it out at the  
bottom wif his big nose and so he disapeared next door visiting the neighbors  
barky Doxie. Tallulah and me we could'nt fit through but it was still pretty 
fun  and exciting when all the hoomans ran around like crazed nutheads in 
their PJ's  looking for Stuie who had slipped  next door and was missing for 
5 minutes.  Wow..hoomans sure get eggcited sometimes.
If you could you shold go next year if you culd to the Oregon Baset Games  
cause it was an easy going fun time with friendly people and Hounds. Not one 
Grr  and yes lots and lots of smiles and areally fun fun fun time!
Well I gotta go now and play with some of my  new 50% off toys. Gee I  
heard my hooman telling my odder human the NEXT year we R brinin MORE MONEY for  
da good Raffle Baskets Tickets for Rescue and for the 50% off store! They 
were  reilly nice folks there too. They laughed at us all flopping around on 
the cool  floor of the huge  jammed with every doggy thing under the sun 
store.  People enjoyed us all..our fine sefs as us allflopping around on the 
cool floor  of their store and drinking up the cool water there, n socializing 
as only  Bassets can...Stellarly.
Love and Woofin, Henry 
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