[Dailydrool] Basset Quirks

taranoeld at aol.com taranoeld at aol.com
Tue Mar 31 13:25:34 PDT 2009

I have no idea what this is about, but when I used to go into WAWA in the am (to get Wally's turkey and cheese, of course), he would stand outside, tied to a post, STARE at me, and go "ARF ARF" incessantly.? When I would look at him, he would just give me this impatient stare.? This happens at EVERY store we go to.

Also, if I ever leave the house for a second, I get tons of ARF ARF and paw prints everywhere-horrible separation anxiety!

He hates bed, and pushes me away with his paw, when I try to get on his pillow

He loves convertible rides, but is very, very stingy with kisses, and snooty.? I'm positive he knows how gorgeous he is-he begrudgingly accepts the adulation of others.

When I haven't seen him for a while, and Bruce brings him to Richmond, he'll crawl up on Bruce's lap, and give me the fish eye.

If Bruce gives him 5 burgers, Wally will put his face on Bruce's knee and evoke this silent, limpid stare, while poor Bruce eats his sole burger.? Then if he gets a fry or anything-GONE

He likes tangerine sections.

He hates getting his feet wet, unless he's in "love", and there's a pup to chase.

Again, I could go on forever about my beautiful, hard to get, snotty, feisty boy.

Tara, long-distance mom slave to Wally Royal, the "Brad Pitt of Bassets"

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