[Dailydrool] Potatoes! I ask you. - Warning - Green potatoes

R Groves dd-post at thegroves.net
Sat May 23 23:32:19 PDT 2009

Just keep in mind. green potatoes are bad! Can be *very* bad.  They contain
higher amounts of solanine, which is toxic to human and hound.  The amount
to ingest is different from them to us, but still if the potatoes are green
keep them away from the hounds.. (green skin, eyelets, green sprouts, all
contain solanine)












Solanine is found in the "nightshade" plants; ie. belladonna, mandrake,
jimson weed


Decent wiki article.





Subject: [Dailydrool] Potatoes! I ask you.


Paddi B Basset loves her veggies... carrots, cabbage, yams, turnip,
tomato... but nothing is quite so toothsome in her view as the humble
potato. We are planting potatoes this year, and we've been a bit slow to get
them actually in the dirt. 

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