[Dailydrool] My Favorite Part of a Basset and Poop Eating

V. Tata-Phillips my4hounds at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 26 17:17:09 PDT 2009

Do you know what my favorite part of a Basset is?  Puppy tummies!  All pink and spotted and perfect for kissing and blowing raspberries!  They grow up all too soon to be adult belly rubbing tummies, but puppy tummies are my favorite part of a Basset!


Poop eating - I could write a book!  My guys have eaten poop since the first time I gave them Greenies and some was not digested.  I know they are all still looking for Greenie bits in each other's poopies even though we don't eat Greenies any more!


So here are the supposed remedies:  Deter or another expensive anti-poop eating drug that does not work; pineapple in the diet - we went thru a lot of that and it did not seem to work - everyone ate their chunk or two of pineapple but it did not effect the poop flavor enuf to divert the snacking - if the dogs eat poop then why not pineapple-flavored poop?  My vet told me meat tenderizer in their food would stop poop eating.  Well I sprinkled Adolph's Meat Tenderizer on their food for days and weeks and months and it only made the poop taste more tender! 


All I know is that when I see 4 dogs surrounding one who is 'doing his thing' I run outside to scoop...if there is anything left to pick up.  After all - they watch us watching them go and then carefully bagging up the poop and taking it home.  They think this is a doggy bag for humans who want to eat it later - why should the dogs not just eat it if they can get to it first?  That is how my guys think....I believe!

GinnyTata-Phillips, co-author of DOGKU, PETKU , BASSETKU and the brand new RESKU!

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