[Dailydrool] lawn chemicals

V. Tata-Phillips my4hounds at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 7 08:59:32 PDT 2010

Well I am afraid I disagree about the lawn chemicals.  We live in Florida and treat our lawn 6 times a year.  It is a weed and feed and pesticide.  I use a company called Environmental Pest Control and they use the most natural things they can.  We keep the dogs off the lawn while it is wet - safe once it is dried, so they assure me.  


I also use systemic flea control and heartworm meds.  Oh yeah - I vaccinate too!  I will never let one of my dogs be plagued by ticks or fleas or heartworm, nor will I let them suffer with lepto or parvo or distemper or any other disease I can prevent.  I will never let them lie down in a yard full of fire ants, which Florida is plagued with. We did lose Winnie at 12.5 to lung cancer but I strongly doubt my lawn chemicals caused her demise.  I have a 15 year old Basset, a 10 year old, a 3 year old and a 2 year old - all rescues.  I gotta be doing something right! 


Don't want to start the vaccine debate again but I did want to bring up the fact that responsible pet ownership can go along with having a green, pest-free lawn!  


GinnyTata-Phillips, co-author of DOGKU, PETKU , BASSETKU and  RESKU!
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