[Dailydrool] From Elder Clara

basetsavr5 at aol.com basetsavr5 at aol.com
Tue Apr 13 17:54:18 PDT 2010

Elder Clara here. I bee a reading me droolz, keepin me varmit Brudder 
away from the pawboard. This always gits his tail in a knot soElder 
Clara is enjoyin dis.
Now Elder Clara is a takin inbentorie. Lets see---
Now are you a STOMPIN for NO RAIN for the Waddle??? Git all 4 paws in 
gear and STOMP. Why meny fine folks are workin so hard for a good 
time---whut Elder Clara will obserb frum da perch youze see---a liddel 
STOMPIN is the least we can do.

Next. Did you get your raffle tickets for HOP's raffle???? Elder Clara 
gotz herz, we hab to help all the seniors out dere. Order up todey.

Now how about the Droolin Fur Dollars wif Senior Houndsabound???? Now 
lookie here---we talkin helpin da senior hounds again--Auntie Wen has 
put so much into dis yard sale, why she worn out, draggin, she hardly 
hab time to rest da bones---Elder Clara is a watchin---git on ober dere 
and gib a few dollars, helping all we seniors makes your heart feel 

Last. Dis fur me varmit Brudder dat ain't figured out whut Momma's a 
doin to help more homeless hounds.
I writin himz liddel note.
I sign me name.
Lub and farts frum Elder Clara.-----and Elder Clara knowz whut Momma 
bee a doing.

Dat will git him.
Score nudder win for Elder Clara

Debbie Winchester
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to 
PW, OEBE Elder Clara,
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake

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