[Dailydrool] correction to the ARKAT Enhance dog food info

Opal-Deitering, Gaylene gaylene at umich.edu
Wed Dec 1 08:29:59 PST 2010

Talked to my feed mill guy, and the issue with Enhance Hunters Edge is NOT a formula change (as I previously thought), but a packaging and price change.  From 50# down to 40#, and the price goes up from $27.00 to over $30.00.  Ridiculous, and I can buy better food for the price, so he is not going to carry it any more.  Talk about voting with your dollars!   Same thing will work for airports too, if you don't want to be basically naked or groped, vote with your dollars and take the train!

Gaylene and the 6 pack, with a double Pomahuahua chaser

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