[Dailydrool] Avoderm dog food

Susan Campbell susankaycampbell at gmail.com
Sun Feb 7 15:14:03 PST 2010

Does anyone give the Avoderm dog food with trout and wild rice?  I am  
hoping it helps with allergies, scratching and excess shedding and  
maybe... helping him express his anal glands on his own.  We think he  
is about 4 years old.
When I got him last May, he was on Purina One for Sensitive System,  
and every time I tried to change him gradually to another food, he  
would vomit.  So far, so good on the Avoderm.   His coat feels like  

Big Drool to all the babies and slaves stuck in the snow.  We think we  
have it tough in Texas, but not true.

Sir Duke and Susan

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