[Dailydrool] collectors plate on HB from Basset REscue of Mt.

Leslie Ames bassetrescuemt at gmail.com
Sun Jan 24 08:42:31 PST 2010

what a fantastic plate for any one to share with other basset 
folks............we hoped the reserve price would be 100.00 but due to 
the economy it was lowered to $75.00.  ...I do not think I ever have 
seen one like it. If anyone has, would love to hear from you.  Thank you 
for bidding on this piece......i thought it would make a tender loving 
valentine overture...about those eyes....shows love love love no matter 
which way ya look.
Leslie Ames
President/Shelter Manager
*Basset Rescue of Mt.*
Ph: 406-207-0765
Email: bassetrescuemt at gmail.com

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