[Dailydrool] Gracie, Elmo update

Donna Lindy dlindy at mac.com
Tue Nov 23 10:27:12 PST 2010

Gracie continues to  do well. She's very interested in eating
just about anything but, of course, her limited diet includes
chicken, rice and baby rice cereal.  She's drinking well. I
am definitely encouraged.

Elmo is still puny but we can't find anything wrong. His
blood work is improved over his last work up.  He wants
to eat but then doesn't.  He's drinking okay, peeing okay
and he had a big boy poop later than normal but that's not
altogether unusual.  So he will join Gracie in her little diet,
eating very small amounts several times a day just like
she is and we will watch him for anything else to develop.
I was reminded to keep a very close eye on him because
fluids with him are risky because of CHF -

Our Gracie is out in the back yard barking her return to
her domain for all the neighborhood dogs and their
people.  It used to annoy me at times but now it is
music to my ears!!

I can't thank everyone enough for the support - we still
may not be out of the woods with her, but I am feeling
like she will mostly be okay. We will check her albumin
on Friday unless I see other changes.

Thanks again and we send drool on to those who need
it - having our Gracie home again makes us even more
a believer in the power of drool!

Donna, drool fueler for Elmo, Gracie and Bosley

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