[Dailydrool] The Spirit moved my she slave....or at least Spirit Airlines did.

bassetslave at comcast.net bassetslave at comcast.net
Sun Dec 25 09:33:42 PST 2011

Pawtunia here. 

My she slave has often told folks that if ya are lucky enough to live where Spirit Airlines flies, it was pawsible to come to NJ. Sometimes it works the other way. She is already planning a few days in Florida in January....but she spotted one of those insane Spirit cheapo fares. $8.10 each way......same day. With tax, about $50.00 Good deal! So she bought one last week to go to Orlando and see my dear brother Newtie  (Half brother on my daddy's side) at the Eukanuba dawG show. Our breederslave Hank  drove him down and had a vacation. Our breederslave Sharon flew for a few days. My slave went for a few hours! She asked Auntie Wen if she wanted to go, and she did! So Wen picked she slave up at da airport and they spend the day looking at fancy Chdawgs and shopping. Auntie Wen is a good vulture when it comes to snapping up da good stuff, but there was a little left for my slave! They saw Auntie Shelly who did the same quick trip from upstate NY to see Miz Lisa compete with Buford......guess fast flights for a little warm and petting of hounds and basset crap is a good thing! Then the breederslaves and Auntie Wen went for dinner.....she slave went back to meet the bounders....and home in NJ before midnight! 

Whirlwind, but what could be better? If I got to go too!!!! I do not fly. So if anybody sees those fares and feels like coming to pet meon a weekend, please give me a jingle on the pawphone! Pet Pawtunia. Go to Atlantic City...........or Oshun City........ I'll show you the store wif good basset crap if ya come........for a cookie! 

Thanks Auntie Wen....I got to sniff the bounders second hand! 

Brother Newtie did not win, but was the only basset to spend the day working the crowd and getting petted by a nickzillion people....plus cookies. He thinks that is a great vacation, too! 

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