[Dailydrool] Catching up

DDropp at aol.com DDropp at aol.com
Wed Jun 1 19:45:23 PDT 2011

Well, I have not posted in a while.  Things have been busy.  My  wife and I 
traveled to the MBR waddle and got to meet a ton of people I only  knew on 
the internet.  I had a fantastic time, as did  my wife.   Ben was left home, 
as he cannot be trusted with other dogs, which made me sad,  but that is 
what had to be.  Got to pet lots of neat hounds,  too.  Too many people to 
name.  The auction was great on Friday,  as was the food.  I got a couple of 
items at the auction, and came home  with a number of small raffle items.  The 
one auction item I really wanted,  they lost.  Such is my luck.  The food 
on Friday was really  good.  The picnic was a tad on the wet side,  but I had 
fun.  The  waddle was even wetter, but all those that went enjoyed 
themselves.   The parade was held, and then back to the hotel, which went out of 
their way to  accommodate the group on Sunday, due to the rain.  The place the 
waddle was  held was really great, and had some wonderful shops, including a 
huge  Christmas store, that had no decent basset ornaments.  Due to the  
weather, I did not take the number of pictures I wanted, but again, that's  
life.  Ben did give my son some problems eating, which did bother me, but  
outside of that, things were fine on the home front.
People say bassets are dumb, but that is not true.  Ben has me soooo  
trained that  it isn't funny.  I so worry about his eating, that I now  have to 
literally prime the pump(start feeding him by hand) to get him to  eat.  He 
is no where like Pw. Charlie was.  He needs to be begged  to come and eat, 
and then turns up his nose at the food.  I get down on my  hands and knees, 
and start to feed him, and then he will eat.  I wish I  knew how long a hound 
can go without eating, as I do think he is taking  advantage of my concern, 
and playing me for a sucker.  The best to all in  need of drool and prayers.
Douglas and Ben and Pw. Charlie(ATB) who is missed every  day.        
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