[Dailydrool] NoTears, Only Smiles

basetsavr5 at aol.com basetsavr5 at aol.com
Thu Mar 31 05:31:18 PDT 2011

Momma here, such as we are, but I had to write as today would of been Elder Clara's Gotcha Day. Today we need to smile, no tears as Clara hated sadness, it really upset her so I will share a story that makes me smile.
My friend Judy went to Tennesse with me to BellyRubs to get the girls. I had every detail planned, I rented a BUV, laid down the seats, made nice beds, had packed food water, you name it, I was loaded for anything possible--(except the large attitude brought on board by Clara). Judy is a true animal lover, she has been around the bassets here forever--but she also only has cats--couldsee Clara ws going to be a challenge, she was so upset at leaving Leanne Potts foster home, she paced, moaned and would not settle. I finally stopped at a burger palce for lunch, Judy stayed with the girls as I got a bag of goodies for us all. To say we finally had Clara's full attention was a understatement. The girls got some first, Daisy ever so gentle, and Clara grabbing and snarking down hers like she hadnt seen food in months. Judy and I each got a whopper, and as Judy took her first bite, here came Clara, she vaulted over the center console and went after Judy's burger full force,pushing Judy into the dash, the burger with Claras snapping teeth after it got smashed into the windshield, Clara is now got her front paws on the dash and grabbed a huge chunk of the burger. It all happened so fast there was no time for me to grab her, and her nails were raking the dash of the rental--eeeekkkkk----I quick rolled down Judys window and she hung what was left of her burger out the window with Clara following, but I at least could grab her backend and got her herded to the backend of the SUV. 
Funny memories of Clara heal my heart. I am sure the buffet is loaded with burgers today.
Smile for her today. She was quite a gal!!!

---it took 4 hours to clean the BUV--Clara was moulting--but hubby came in the house and said, how the heck did you get mustard in the dash vents???

Drool to all in need--I have plenty again, tooth issues never seem to end here-

Debbie Winchester 
Official Food Slave and Drool Mop Queen to 
PW, OEBE Elder Clara, 
OEBE Brudder Elwood, Instigator of Evil Deeds
Elder Sister Daisy, Brudder Jake
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