[Dailydrool] Weight

Dossey, Gwenda G gdossey at te.com
Fri Oct 21 01:23:54 PDT 2011

Our Casper did very good on the green bean diet.  We also added other veggies like carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, and the occasional spinach.  She loved them all.  Our Teddi would eat them occasionally, but Madden would eat around all the veggies and not eat a single one.  One day a friend of mine mentioned that she puts her veggies in the food processor to grind them up a bit since dogs don't digest them as well as people do.  Once I did that, all three of the girls acted like I put candy in their dinners!!  I don't know what the difference was, but they all LOVED them!!

Casper got down to 60 pounds (she was 78 at one point) and then a couple of months later was diagnosed with lung cancer, so the diet went out the window!  The only veggies the girls eat now are the occasional one that comes with a to-go dinner or at the chow-hound contest at the Spring Fling!! :)

BTW - took the girls to the vets for the weigh-in yesterday... Teddi is 59.0; Madden is 44.6 and Sasha is 36.2 (at 6-1/2 months)!!

~Gwen - Slave to Teddi, Madden & Sasha~ (:>

Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.

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