[Dailydrool] tick stuff

Wendie Prince houndsabound at cfl.rr.com
Sun Apr 22 12:50:50 PDT 2012

HI all,
First, let me apologize to any who have had hounds with illnesses and those
gone to the Bridge.  I try to write to each, but the past month or so has
been very busy and I just have not gotten all emailing done.  Drool to all
from me and the Bounders and know when I read of those going through an
illness or to the Bridge, you are always in my prayers, and I tell the
Bounders about any drool needs as I prepare they meals.(the best time to
catch the good drool!)

A couple of years ago, we have a tick infestation of our home.  It was
disgusting!   We found out they came in on a truckload of dirt we had
ordered.  Apparently, they can live dormant for a loooong time,  and usually
just under the surface,  1/2 inch is what I remember. 
So, as we spread dirt around, the ticks awakened and we found many on the
dogs,  crawling up our walls and it was not uncommon to find one on
ourselves in the middle of the night.  (Did I say disgusting?  It was!)    I
was getting them off the walls, the hounds, wherever they were, I was
putting them in a bottle filled with some alcohol,   killed them fast, but I
was not getting rid of them.  I took some up to our local do it yourself
Pest control and he told me they were seed ticks,  very small ones.  Once
they got blood in them, though, they got very big.  Anyhow,  he sold me a
gallon of a pesticide called....I cannot find the darn bottle,  we might
have used it all or thrown it away.  But a gallon cost about 100$ at that
time.  Although you only used a couple of ounces to a gallon of water, so
overall it was not that expensive, and much less than having the house
tented.  If you have a local Do It Yourself Pest Control place, they can
help out a lot!

We were also told to get the Preventic collars for the dogs.  I was
skeptical, but did, and they were fantastic, IMO.  They are a bit pricey,
but they work for 3 months.   I just hate putting drops on the dogs skin, so
we do not use topical flea control, so the collars were actually a Dawgsend.
After being consistent with the spraying of the walls, furniture, floors,
everything,  we were tick free in about a week.  We had to spray down the
mound of dirt each time we pulled some out to spread,  to make sure it
didn't start all over again.  We were also told that whatever it was we
bought (the chemical)  it was safe for the dogs.  And I will say, no one got
sick, so will assume it was the truth.

I regularly hose down the backyard with blue Dawn, in a yard sprayer on the
hose.  It does no damage to the lawn and kills fleas.  I do not use flea
prevention year round, but only when there is a problem, which is not often.
And then we use Comfortis...just have to be careful to not give with the
Iverheart (HW prevention we they stay on year round).
Just wanted to weigh in on this one!

wen and the Bounders
www.seniorhoundsabound.org    check us out!
www.bassetshop.com          shop online and help the Bounders

-----Original Message-----
From: dailydrool-bounces at lists.dailydrool.org
[mailto:dailydrool-bounces at lists.dailydrool.org] On Behalf Of Dale Rutz
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 2:20 PM
To: An internet mail list designed to entertain and inform basset hounds and
their people.
Subject: Re: [Dailydrool] FYI tick stuff

An internet mail list designed to
entertain and inform basset hounds
and their people.


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