[Dailydrool] Snoopy checking in

Dale Rutz dalerutz at sbcglobal.net
Sat Feb 11 08:25:06 PST 2012

Hi all, Snoopy here,

Yesterday was irritating.  PERIOD.  First off momPerson took the day off .... 
for HERSELF.  She started by going to a YOGA class.  Seriously,   Yoga.  No 
basset hounds allowed.  And then she came home and she got showered and dressed 
and she took Cyrus to the dog park.  Yup.  Cyrus.  And guess who stayed home 
with dadPerson and cryed and ahrooooo'd?  Just guess.  The momPerson made some 
silly noise about me being so loud and bossy the last two times we went that she 
had to spend the whole time being ON me and couldn't play with Cyrus so this 
time I had to stay home.  I went out in the backyard with dadPerson and we lay 
on the loungers .... him on one and me on one .... and then I decided to lay on 
his with him and wait for Cyrus and the traitor.

Well, they came home and a bad day got worse.  Yup.  I went to the vet for my 
checkup.  I started an ear infection a few days ago and momPerson has been 
washing my ears and putting medicine in every single day.  So Dr Heading looks 
and she says ... yep, you've got it under control ..... keep cleaning and 
medicating it for ANOTHER WEEK.  Seriously.  Every day for another week and they 
don't even itch anymore.  I've lost 3.5 lbs.  Down to a svelt 72.5    And guess 
what Dr Heading said?  I'll tell you what she said ... she said next time I see 
you boy you'll be 7 and I want you to loose another pound or two cause now 
you'll be a senior!!  She did, she said it.  Is it ok to bite the vet?  I 
debated about it ... advise would be appreciated.

There was a huge roittweiller in the waiting room.  I strolled over there 
silently wagging my tail and he wagged his butt cause he doesn't have a tail and 
we sniffed and I was stellar and they all said .... I thought your momPerson was 
talking about a problem with you barking at and bossing around other dogs.  He 
.... ummmm .... he didn't have a ball.

So last night I was good on the walk too .... momPerson is hoping I learned my 
lesson about being a nincompoop at the dog park.  She is taking me to Wags and 
Wuv in Oakland on Hegenberger road today (it's from 11-3, come if you're here in 
the bay area ... Golden Gate Basset Rescue will be there with tons of bassets 
and they have all kinds of booths with pet photography and micro chipping and 
even wine tasting).  She is hoping I don't create pandamonium.  She is truely 

More later from Snoopy

P.S.  Whoops there goes another piece.  My momPerson has her jigsaw puzzle on 
the desk in the family room and the computer is here and every time dadPerson or 
I go on the computer .... there goes another piece.  Whoops.
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