[Dailydrool] Sadness, grief and outrage

Dale Rutz dalerutz at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jun 19 12:58:47 PDT 2012

Hi all, it's Snoopy,

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ..... no no no no no no no no no no no no no.

I never saw it coming.  I never would have believed it.  The girls are done with 
school and everything has been so wonderful at our house with the girls home and 
dadPerson home and life is grand and all is well.  Why just this morning we woke 
up with me against momPersons belly and LuLu pressed into the small of 
momPersons back and also the small of dadPersons back (a neat trick btw) and 
Cyrus on momPersons pillow with momPerson using his haunch for a pillow.  Now, 
around 6:45 miss Pandamonium (aka LuLu) started up a wrestling match accompanied 
by loud barking .... breakfast time .... joy to the world ... now feed me my 
breakfast .... dadPerson pulled the covers over his head and momPerson tried to 
unkink herself and stretched and fed us.  

After that she was cooking special breakfasts for the girls.  I started to get 
the idea something might be wrong .... caused she is supposed to go to the 
office and she didn't.  And then bags started coming down the hall.  Lots of 
bags.  And out the door to the car.  LOTS of bags.  Oh no, no no .... this can't 
be happening again .... this happened last year after school was out .... no!!!  
NO~!!  NOT my Natalie NO!~!!

But the bags went out and momPerson went back to the kitchen to pack them 
lunches for the transport.  Both Natalie and Julianne lay down on the floor for 
about 15 minutes and hugged LuLu and Cyrus and I.  And then Julianne and Natalie 
and momPerson LEFT.  For Transport stop 3.   Wine country buses run the 
transport route as far south as Monterey and as far east as Sacramento.  If you 
live further (and some of their friends live as far away as FRANCE) then you 
have to fly into Oakland Airport on a transport day.  We've been told it is 
quite a sight at Oakland airport on a transport day with all these unaccompanied 
minors coming in and camp staff charging from gate to gate claiming them and 
walking them and their gear out to transport buses.  My Julianne and my Natalie 
have gone off to summer camp again and left me.  

Now they're gone for a whole month and Snoopy is ALONE with LuLu and Cyrus and 
dadPerson.  momPerson is supposedly coming home after work.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no no no no no no no

More later from a heartbroken Snoopy with Cyrus (who is in a major funk) and 
LuLu (who is in shock and never would have believed it if she hadn't seen it 
with her own two eyes)
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